
In accordance to regulations – If the retailer has a downloadable prescription, it must comply with the requirements of the Veterinary Medicines Regulations (VMR). Checks must be carried out on the bona-fides of all prescriptions, but especially those without specific veterinary practice headings, including the retailer’s own downloadable prescriptions. Ideally, only prescriptions with a practice stamp or other authentication should be accepted. The prescriber will be contacted if there is any doubt about the authenticity of the prescription.

It is an offence for a person to submit a fraudulent prescription to obtain veterinary medicines and for a person to alter a prescription unless authorised to do so by the prescriber. We take this matter very seriously and any suspected cases of fraud or unlawful alteration of a prescription will be referred to the VMD.

Prescription misuse

It is an offence to:

1. Alter a prescription issued by a vet, pharmacist or SQP e.g.

  • change the date the prescription was signed
  • change the quantity of the product
  • include additional medicines

2. Fraudulently produce a prescription e.g.

  • forge a prescription
  • forge the signature of a vet, pharmacist or SQP
  • send the same prescription to multiple retailers

Our RQP carefully checks all prescriptions and will report suspected prescription misuse to the VMD or the police. 

Written prescriptions

Any person who is permitted to supply a POM-V or POM-VPS medicine may also supply such a product in accordance with a written prescription from another prescriber. They must satisfy themselves that the prescription has been written and signed by a person entitled to prescribe the product, and that the person being supplied is the person named on the prescription.

It is an offence for any person to alter a written prescription unless authorized to do so by the prescriber.

A written prescription for a veterinary medicine must include the following information:

  • Name, address and telephone number of the person prescribing the product
  • Qualifications of the person prescribing the product (it is good practice to include their RCVS or SQP number)
  • Name and address of the owner or keeper of the animal
  • Identification (including the species) of the animal or group of animals to be treated
  • Premises at which the animals are kept if this is different from the address of the owner or keeper
  • Date
  • Signature (or other authentication) of the person prescribing the product
  • Name and amount of the product prescribed
  • Dose and administration instructions
  • Necessary warnings
  • Withdrawal period, if relevant
  • If it is prescribed under the cascade, a statement to that effect

Written prescriptions for POM-V or POM-VPS medicines:

  • Are valid for 6 months unless the prescriber states a shorter period
  • May only be used once unless the prescriber specifies that it is repeatable
  • If repeatable, the number of repeat supplies that may be made must be specified (if the prescription is not repeatable, it is considered good practice for it to state that)

Written prescriptions for Controlled Drugs

If a written prescription is issued for a Controlled Drug (CD) it can be typed, computer generated or handwritten, but it must be personally signed by the person issuing it.

It is an offence to supply a Schedule 2 or 3 CD against a faxed or emailed prescription.

In addition to the general prescription requirements above, a written prescription for a Schedule 2 or 3 CD should state an exact dose in words as well as in figures (e.g. not ‘as directed’), and it is good practice to include the RCVS number of the vet prescribing the drug.

A written prescription for Schedule 2 or 3 CDs can only be dispensed once and only within 28 days. Single prescriptions with multiple dispenses (repeatable prescriptions) are not allowed for Schedule 2 and 3 CDs. It is good practice to mark the prescription ‘no repeats’.

It is a best practice recommendation to dispense only 28 days of CDs at a time. If it is considered necessary to dispense a CD for a longer period (e.g. in the case of an epileptic dog on long-term medication), the veterinary surgeon must make sure that the owner is competent to use and store it safely.

Help with prescription. 

We can provide you with a partly completed prescription for any POM-V products that you wish to purchase – just select the option when checking out.  You will still need to get it completed by your own vet and return to us before order can be dispatched.